Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pretty Girls from Occupy Wall Street

Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street from Steven Greenstreet on Vimeo.

A lot of fantastic media has been created about the "Occupy" movement. I was watching one video in particular and commented to a friend, "Wow, seeing all those super smart hot chicks at the protest makes me want to be there." He replied, "Hmmm... Yeah, let's go with that."
We instantly went to Tumblr and made Our original ideas were admittedly sophomoric: Pics of hot chicks being all protesty, videos of hot chicks beating drums in slow-mo, etc. But when we arrived at Zuccotti Park in New York City, it evolved into something more.

There was a vibrant energy in the air, a warmth of community and family, and the voices we heard were so hopeful and passionate. Pretty faces were making signs, giving speeches, organizing crowds, handing out food, singing, dancing, debating, hugging and marching.

It made me want to pack my bags and pitch a tent on Wall Street. And it's in the light that we created this video.

And we hope it makes you want to be there too.
EDIT: Apparently a lot of controversy has erupted online from people passionately opining (among many things) that this is sexist, offensive, and dangerously objectifies women. It was not my intent to do that and I think the spirit of the video, and the voices within, are honorable and inspiring.

However, if you disagree with me, I encourage you to use that as an excuse to create constructive discussions about the issues you have. Because, to be honest, any excuse is a good excuse to bring up the topic of women’s rights.

CAMERA: Two Canon 7Ds.
LENS: 17-55mm, 70-200mm, 18-135mm
AUDIO: Rode Video Mic Pro
Shot in 60 fps
Music: Theme from "Fast, Cheap and Out of Control" by Caleb Sampson

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Wall Street movement: a collective, vague effort Everyone’s in charge, no one’s in charge as demonstrations persist

David Weidner/MarketWatch
Demonstrators in the Occupy Wall Street movement approach third week of daily protests.
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — Standing amid 100 tents crammed on a small lawn on the Los Angeles City Hall grounds, Clark Davis is asked a simple question about the 200 or so people that have set up camp around him.
Are you the anti-tea party?
“I wouldn’t say that we’re the anti-tea party. I wouldn’t say we’re anti-anything. I would say we’re for things, we’re not anti-anything,” said Davis, the media director for OccupyLA, one of several protest movements around the country aimed at Wall Street and the wealthy. “We’re not really thinking about the tea party right now.”

Wall Street protests persist, spread

“Occupy Wall Street” protests, which show no sign of letting up and have spread from New York.
So what are OccupyLA, Occupy Wall Street and other movements like them? What do they think about? Where do they hope to get?
“Our message right now is very vague. It’s left vague, slightly intentionally,” Davis says as passing cars honk in support and news cameras lurk nearby. “What we’re trying to do is unify a voice.”
Such is life in New York, Los Angeles and other venues throughout the U.S. for those that have taken up this “vague” cause that seems to have put a bulls-eye on Wall Street’s back. Bands of mostly young adults are gathering in normally peaceful settings to generally express their outrage over the inequity between the haves and have-nots.
At New York City’s Zuccotti Park, talk among the Occupy Wall Street protesters repeated similar themes from the start of the effort last month: the gap between rich and poor in the U.S. and how the 2008 bailout of Wall Street didn’t really help Main Street, and the lack of jobs and opportunity afflicting the shrinking middle class.
What they want to do about it is unclear just yet. There is no specific agenda. There isn’t a hierarchy.
“There’s no leadership — it’s decentralized,” said Aaron Griffin, a 19-year-old from West Virginia, who joined the New York protest a week ago and has been sleeping nine hours a night in Zuccotti Park.
But the numbers getting involved in the movement seem to be growing. Protesters also claimed that similar actions are taking place in more than 200 cities around the U.S. and the world.
In some cases, political leaders seem perfectly willing to let it happen. Several Los Angeles City Council members professed support for the group earlier in the week, along with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. And OccupyLA seems resilient and willing to stay in it for the long haul, with the protesters planning to camp out at City Hall until they’re forced to leave.
“I live here now. I gave up my place,” said Liz Savage, a 32-year-old from New York who had been living in the L.A.’s San Fernando Valley for the past year.
Across the country, protests were mostly contained within the environs of Zuccotti Park on Friday during the day, but protesters dug in for an effort with no apparent end in sight.

Occupy Wall Street protesters on Broadway in New York.
Approaching its third week just a few blocks from the World Trade Center, the protest seemed to go about its business on Friday at a low-key level.
No crowds or sign-holders were visible at the closest subway station on Fulton Street and at the New York Stock Exchange. And no marches or confrontations with authorities were taking place, although police completely blocked off Wall Street and Broad Street to pedestrians, kept strictly on a narrow strip of sidewalk.
Many protesters were of college age or in their 20s, but many other age groups were represented.
At the entrance to the park off Broadway and Liberty Street, David Heath, 51, of Syracuse, N.Y., held up a sign that said “Disabled Veterans Against Wall Street.” 

September, leading President Barack Obama to call the demonstrators a 'movement'.
Never too old: One man, a war veteran, joins the protests in New York with the aid of a zimmer frame
Never too old: One man, a war veteran, joins the protests in New York with the aid of a zimmer frame

Stand: About one thousand people gather and form a large "99%" in the middle of Freedom Plaza. The chant refers to the richest 1 per cent of Americans which the political right are trying to protect

Spread: Participants march with signs past the White House to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce during an
Spread: Participants march with signs past the White House to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce during an "Occupation of Washington" protest in Washington
March: Protesters march in front of the Federal Reserve Building in Dallas today
March: Protesters march in front of the Federal Reserve Building in Dallas today

Point: Occupy Wall Street protesters posing as billionaires stage a protest near Wall Street

There are no shortage of supporters in Los Angeles, and they sometimes can be pretty high-profile. Actress Rosanna Arquette reportedly stopped by to show her support during the week. On Friday, PBS talk-show host Tavis Smiley showed up alongside civil rights activist and Princeton Professor Cornel West to speak to the crowd.
“I’m not against anybody who’s rich. I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich. Trust me, rich is better,” Smiley said in an interview afterward. “At the same time, I think that these issues of poverty are not being addressed enough and so their effort just happens to dovetail with the effort that I’ve been on for most of the summer to raise the issue of poverty higher up on the American agenda.”
West, a prominent leftist philosopher, said the Occupy movement is indeed progressive-based while the tea party is conservative, but the two are divergent.
“I think the moment that the Tea Party emerged is very different than the moment right now,” West said, noting that the Tea Party has ties to big business. “Here, this is just spontaneous and leaderless.”

Is the U.S. a third-world nation?

Michael Lewis, author of the new book "Boomerang," says the U.S. and many European nations suffered a moral failure that led to economic collapse.
And serendipitous, it would seem. In L.A., a group calling itself Refund California got a fair amount of attention by staging protests in banks and at the stately homes of bank executives in tony suburbs such as Bel-air and San Marino while OccupyLA was encamped at City Hall. Representatives for both organizations say the two are unrelated, insisting the protests each has staged are coincidental.
A coalition of several activist groups, Refund California has been demanding that banks renegotiate home loans for those foreclosed upon. Some say they got the runaround after being late by only a few weeks on mortgage payments only to find a year or two later that their homes were being repossessed.
“The relationship [between the two groups] is that more and more people across the country realize Wall Street banks are to blame for the economic crisis,” said Amy Schur, state director of the Alliance of California’s for Community Empowerment. The group is one of several tied to Refund California; also involved are the Service Employees International Union and several community groups.
occupy wall st zombies
OccupyLA protesters say, however, that they’re accepting support from unions and other groups but they’re not letting anyone “hijack” their cause. There was some concern that one group had commandeered an OccupyLA Web page.
Not everyone is entirely supportive of the Occupy-ers. A group of construction workers stood at the end of Zuccotti Park in New York while they ate their lunch.
“Their methodology is questionable,” said one construction worker, who didn’t give his name. “They’re not a representation of Middle America.”
Meanwhile, the real estate firm that owns the park where protesters are camped is losing patience.
“Zuccotti Park is ... intended for the use and enjoyment of the general public for passive recreation,” Andrew Willis, a spokesman for Brookfield Asset Management BAM -0.34% , wrote in an email to MarketWatch. “We are extremely concerned with the conditions that have been created by those currently occupying the park and are actively working with the city of New York to address these conditions and restore the park to its intended purpose.”
Last week, Occupy Wall Street made headlines after 700 people were arrested in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge. Labor unions around the region have been lending supporting to the effort in recent days.
Food, clothing, books and blankets are plentiful at Zuccotti. Protesters play chess, work on computers powered by generators, and follow a routine of regular meetings.
Acoustic music rings out at times, but no loudspeakers are allowed. Instead, announcements are made verbally, not unlike town criers of yesteryear.
“We have vegan pizza...we have vegan pizza,” one announcement came at lunch time. “Eat it! Eat it!”
In Los Angeles, groggy protesters spend their day organizing the day’s events and staging live feeds online through computers donated by local unions.
Sleep is coming at a premium for many, and it’s less than comfortable. Protesters must move their tents and a considerable amount of electronic gear off the City Hall lawn at night so that sprinklers can irrigate the property. They end up sleeping on the surrounding sidewalks.
Though it’s somewhat unclear exactly what they’re fighting for, that doesn’t seem to deter those from joining. OccupyLA’s Davis says specific causes will form once the groups grow and unite.
“When we start making demands, when we start talking about the issues that we feel need to be addressed, the [hundreds] of cities across America are going to speak with one voice,” Davis said. “We’re going to let this movement mature a little bit before we start making demands.” 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

iPhone 4S hands-on!- iPhone 4S unveils

It's not an iPhone mini or anything, but it's the first iPhone with Siri. And that has to count for something, right? Right? While it's no iPhone 5 (not even close, really), the iPhone 4S is far from being "last year's iPhone," and the greatly enhanced camera, bolstered A5 dual-core processor and inbuilt voice command should provide plenty of reason for folks to upgrade if they're near the end of their contract. Furthermore, having the option on Sprint -- despite Apple almost announcing it as an afterthought -- is bound to make folks already entrenched on the Now Network think twice about what their next phone will be come upgrade time.

We were able to spend a few quality moments with the refreshed iPhone 4 here at Apple's campus, the Sprint flavor no less, and as you might expect... it's an iPhone 4. But S-ier. Much in the same way that the3GS improved the overall experience of the 3G, the 4S does likewise compared to the existing 4. The dual-core A5 chip is a laudatory improvement, and whisking about pages, loading the camera application and launching -- well, just about everything -- just feels zippier. As it should. The other major change, the antennas, weren't readily different at a glance, but as Mr. Cook stated, you'd have to be iFixit to notice (and we're sure they will).

The most impressive part was the demo of Siri, the new assistant that lets you do just about anything you can do on your phone -- but with your voice. We tried to psych it out with a bunch of random requests, including the history of Chester, Vermont (a lovely town) and the best Ramen places in San Francisco. Siri never faltered, never missed a beat. It worked as well as Scott's demo up on the stage. There's nothing better to say than that. We even sent ourselves a few text messages, which Siri transcribed to a T. Of course, the lady on the other end still sounds eerily robotic, but we're hoping for smoother responses from the alien within in a future update.

The 8 megapixel sensor doesn't look any different from the outside, but we're trusting that Apple's re-engineered the interior. We snapped a few photos in the demo room to test and not a one came out as great as the retina-bursting contrasty pictures of balloons and flowers we saw in the demo, but then again, we didn't have any balloons or flowers to capture.

As for weight and feel? Just like the old king. We'll be updating this post with our impressions live from Cupertino, and are working to get you some better pictures to look at. Hang tight -- they're coming!

Update: Sorry, guys, but this time around Apple isn't allowing anyone to take photos or videos of the new iPhone in the hands-on area at its event. But don't worry, we'll give you all that and more when we review it in the coming weeks!